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News and Comment December 2023

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18 December (Part 1) - FOI King Tony

As we wait for @tonyofsidcup’s next response to Bexley Council’s latest round of law breaking, a summary of those he has made since last May before which date records were not kept.

• Request for reasons for so many Bexley Councillors hiding behind Section 32 exemptions. (Not answered.)
• Request for reason for closing the bad parking reports phone line. (Three requests allegedly because of inadequate answers.)
• Enquiry about rejected election nominations. (Withdrawn by @tony)
• Request for reason for forgiving Councillor Davey for his allegedly racist Tweet. (Not answered in defiance of Information Commissioner’s instruction.)
• Request for the official definition of the term ‘Full Council Meeting’. (Deemed vexatious.)
• Request for guarantee that Bexley Council would follow its own rules on Petitions. (Deemed vexatious.)
• Request for information on what would constitute an inappropriate petition as referenced by the rules. (Deemed vexatious.)
• Request for information on standards applied when appointing a Monitoring Officer. (There were none!)
• Request for statement of the Chief Executive’s role in elections.
• Request for statement of action taken on specific parking enforcement request.
• Request for circumstances surrounding publicity photographs of two London Mayoral candidates in the Council Chamber.
• Request for Leader’s emails referring to ULEZ. (Not answered. Case with Information Commissioner.)
• Request for details of the purchase of the Lesnes Abbey Green Flag Award.
• Request for details of the contract with an event organiser. (Not answered.)
• Questions about road safety. (Five different locations.)
• Request for correspondence between Members of a ULEZ sub-Committee. (Four different requests. There was none!)
• Request for dates of Louie French MP being a Bexley Cabinet Member.
• Request for costs of ULEZ defence.
• Request for information on the School Streets scheme at Our Lady of Rosary School. (Immediately dismissed as vexatious. Now with Information Commissioner.)
• Request for Council’s report on pedestrian crossings. (Immediately dismissed as vexatious. Now with Information Commissioner.)
• Request for road safety measures taken in Slade Green. (Immediately dismissed as vexatious. Now with Information Commissioner.)
• Request for emails to City Events Ltd. (Immediately dismissed as vexatious. Now with Information Commissioner.)

I had expected more FOIs of a frivolous nature but remain puzzled as to what can be done with some of the information. I would however conclude that the Council Leader is very keen to subvert any large petition just a she was in 2011.

Note: This a BiB summary of a list supplied by @tonyofsidcup. The FOIs were answered except where noted.


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