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News and Comment December 2023

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13 December (Part 1) - Crap in Abbey Wood

Harrow Manorway flood Blocked and overflowing bins The flood picture must have been taken quite early yesterday afternoon because it was dark by the time I had to drive along Harrow Manorway just before 5 p.m. There was an unexplained queue of traffic from the flyover onwards and only when I arrived at the Yarnton Way roundabout did the flood become apparent and by that time it was deeper with no possibility of turning back.

One carriageway was blocked by an abandoned car with water lapping its doors and half way up its wheels. Fortunately electric cars are well waterproofed so I went through it at pretty much the normal speed - for a roundabout - and spent the evening planning a blog on Councils which don’t sweep leaves from gullies.

The road was totally blocked when I returned at 11:30 - no forewarning obviously - and after detouring through Belvedere, Facebook told me the flood was most likely caused by a blocked sewer. The road is reported to have re-opened at around 7 a.m. this morning.

Bexley Councilְ’s neglect may not have caused the flood but it certainly causes bin contamination. The sofa and bed are now blocking access to the plastics and tins bin so the paper bin which had contained a great deal of recyclable cardboard, much of it mine, is now contaminated with plastic. The paper bin has not had a lockable lid for the past four years and at almost every meeting Bexley Councillors whinge about residents who are irresponsible rubbish dumpers.


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