31 August (Part 1) - Lies, damned lies and Khanage
I imagine that both sides of the ULEZ argument will agree that it has been characterized by lies.
Statistics distorted to show that 4,000 people die each year because of what comes out of 10% of vehicles exhaust pipes
when that proportion results from a small snapshot on one day and mortality statistics which could just as easily have
been twisted into every one will die on a Thursday morning instead of Thursday evening.
Sadiq Khan has showered university professors with nearly a billion pounds to
ensure that they support his money grab and then complained that the support was not as untruthful as he had hoped.
Very recently Peter Fortune our GLA Member reminded us that Khan wanted to
charge non-Londoners a fee for driving in a London borough, the perfect example of taxation without representation.
Bexley Tories gilded the lily by saying it was policy and Labour activist and would-be MP Dave Tingle said it wasn’t. But
it was undoubtedly one of Khan’s anti-motorist ideas on which he wasted a great deal of our money.
An intelligent individual would never have embarked on such a scheme.
In January 2022 Khan published a 69 page report
on how non-Londoners could be fleeced (PDF) by
such a tax and 69 page reports by an army of over-paid technocrats do not come cheap.
Bearing in mind the date of the Border Tax Feasibility Study the claim that Bexley Labour urged the Mayor to drop the idea six months earlier is a little strange.
Presumably the megalomaniac Khan rides roughshod over his own supporters as well as the general population.
Personally I find the Tory freedom fighters more annoying than misguided Labour
supporters. Peter Fortune in particular will only ever engage in debate with his
Conservative friends. Whilst I might support much of what he says there is no
way I would vote for an isolationist bubble dweller like that.