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News and Comment August 2023

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29 August (Part 1) - Pollution by design

Clean air Dirty air Dirty airThere isn’t much of a dirty air problem in Bexley although those living close to the Belvedere industrial units may occasionally disagree. What little there may be did not suddenly disappear at midnight last night and Khan’s cash grab will do nothing for air quality in the local pollution hot spot.

Beneath Abbey Wood’s station.

In the evenings, especially when the Elizabeth line is misbehaving as it so often is, the whole of that area becomes unbreathable due to the gridlock carefully engineered by Bexley Council.

I last exited Abbey Wood station last Saturday at around 9 p.m. The trapped fumes were unbelievably bad.

Ignoring the under cover car park they have put two bus waiting spaces and five five minute restricted parking bays right under the fly over. I have seen as many as five buses congregating there but two and occasionally three is a commonplace.

Cars waiting for returning commuters may have their engines switched off as do the buses usually, but the real problem comes from almost stationary cars queuing in Wilton, Gayton and Florence Roads largely caused by the width restriction that our oh so clever Council installed at its junction with Abbey Road.

Many of the drivers cannot make an exit from Florence Road because Abbey Road traffic is gridlocked as they queue for Wilton Road where vehicles queue for Gayton Road, where they queue for Florence Road where… You get the idea.

Will Bexley Council do anything about it and allow those heading in an easterly direction an easy exit from Florence Road? Don’t be silly, that’s a question on a par with ‘Will Sadiq Khan ever tell the truth?’.

Photos taken early this morning. It is far worse in the evenings.


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