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News and Comment August 2023

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2 August - Hey Big Spender!

If you have a Government that insists on increasing the population by about 10% every year, mainly through imports legal and illegal, and does little by way of infrastructure improvements to cater for them there will be widespread problems. Problems that manifest themselves daily. Not enough housing, insufficient medical facilities and too many people wanting to move around. Governments that do that deserve to fail, Governments that encourage it should be annihilated at the earliest opportunity.

Daily MailOnly the Government is in a position to fix the medical and transport problems but private enterprise and maybe local authorities are able to contribute towards providing roofs over people’s heads sometimes in the form of Homes in Multiple Occupation.

Right now my road is blocked by four large vans owned by immigrants who do not speak a word of English. A couple of weeks ago I suggested to one of them that he temporarily parked his on my drive to avoid getting a PCN and he did not have a clue what I was talking about.

Bexley is full of HMOs, so much so that the Daily Mail (sorry Dave) did a feature on it last week. The following local addresses were all purchased on the same day in 2016 and converted into HMOs over the following six months. It is possible to see that the Council Tax Band changed but where are the Planning Applications? Maybe you can find them because I can’t.

Someone was able to spend a great deal of money converting regular houses to HMOs without any regard for the neighbours who stand to suffer the consequences.


69 Ripley Road, Belvedere, DA17 5AH  •  6 September 2016
56 Coleman Road, Belvedere, DA17 5AN  •  10 August 2016
114 Lower Road, Belvedere, DA17 6DG  •  6 September 2016
46 Caldy Road, Belvedere, DA17 6JS   •  20 September 2016
2 Mildred Road, Erith, DA8 1AL  •  4 July 2016
16 Alford Road, Erith, DA8 1PP  •  4 August 2016
35 Lincoln Close, Erith, DA8 2EB  •  13 July 2016
13 Elm Grove, Erith, DA8 3BL  •  16 March 2017
121 Frinsted Road, Erith, DA8 3LF  •  15 September 2016
38 Thanet Road, Erith, DA8 3RB  •  19 December 2016
97 Lensbury Way, London, SE2 9TA  •  1 August 2016
6 Crayford Way, Dartford, DA1 4LQ  •  10 January 2017

Council Tax Band changed on dates shown.

Daily Mail Daily Mail

From the Daily Mail article on Bexley’s HMOs.

97 Lensbury Way is a frequent guest on these pages. 18th March 2019, 20th August 2020 and 19th October 2021.

Note. Dave is a regular contributor who does not much like The Daily Mail.


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