30 April (Part 1) - Idiots everywhere
Maybe it was some sort of idiocy to have embarked on a household job which
has evolved into a partial rewire of the whole house. An interesting but costly project
which has taken every spare moment for several months. I am currently held up -
and for the third time! - by Evri’s failure to deliver something vital to
the Belvedere branch of Toolstation from the company’s main warehouse.
Meanwhile Bexley Council has been pushing forward with its various plans to make
our lives worse and more expensive. There will be more motorist fleecing via their
unnecessary yellow box junction fraud, charging to visit the dump more often
than they deem reasonable and concreting over every spare, and not so spare,
space that they can find. Various local facilities will be concreted over; where
will I get my building supplies from when both Pepper’s and Buildbase have gone?
the mundane and possibly boring front Country Style are on yet another repeat of
their refusal to replace a broken bin, encourage fly tippers to lift the
unlocked lid and contaminate it. Then use that as an excuse not to empty it so
it eventually overflows and reluctantly come and empty it anyway which they may as well
have done in the first place. It’s only four weeks since the last such episode
The Elizabeth line commuter parking problem has not gone away and drivers who flout the parking
rules have been getting tickets, once within five minutes of the online report,
but road blocking does not incur any penalties.
I have several times had to drive on the footpath which probably does no harm
but so does the bin lorry which probably weighs rather more than my car.
Bexley Council’s
new CPZ plans appear to be designed to make the situation
worse but with Craske in charge we should expect nothing else.