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News and Comment June 2022

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22 June (Part 2) - The French revolution

I am really pleased and not a little relieved to be able to report good news about Bexley’s newest MP. He has at last replied to my friend Elwyn’s enquiries about #partygate.

As I would hope was clear from that earlier blog I recognise that Louie French as a new MP yet to carve out his own secure niche in Westminster, is in an unenviable position when constituents are intent on putting him on the spot.

Maybe I am naive but I believe and hope that Louie sees Bexley residents as his priority and not the greasy pole that leads to a fat pay cheque and a Knighthood. I also remain uncomfortable with quoting everything he might say to a constituent although he probably knows that is one of the perils of his job. Maybe the following extract from a much longer reply will convince old school Conservatives like me that Louie is not a totally lost cause.

… given this was a secret ballot, I do not intend to make a statement [on #partygate]. However, having spoken with hundreds of local residents in recent weeks, I am very conscious of people’s views. Some of the messages that I am hearing over and over again is that people do not want a Labour led Government and they want the Government to focus on the big issues that the country faces, including the cost of living and the war in Ukraine. Alongside a range of local issues that I am working hard to solve, this will be my focus over the summer months and I believe fundamentally that we require more common sense Conservative policies.

It seems entirely reasonable to me although I would hope that the final comment means getting policies that are traditional Conservative and not an implication that we need more of the common sense Conservative policies we are already getting; because there are none which affect the ordinary man in the street. Paying off or bribing rich donors doesn’t count.


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