31 December (Part 1) - Public Enemies
It may be appropriate to end a rubbish year with today’s image typical of Bexley’s new waste contractor.
For the whole of the 15 months since SloppyStyle took over from Serco they have
encouraged the worst elements of society to take advantage of broken unlocked
bins. The intellectually challenged throw anything into any easily opened bin which is then
marked as contaminated and left to rot.
More rubbish then builds up in front of the broken and/or unlocked bins so
that legitimate recyclers cannot gain access to them, and so the rubbish
mountain increases. Some people take the easy way out and dump their rubbish
into nearby neighbour’s wheelies. Both my green and brown bins have been gifted
other people’s rubbish during the past week. Where am I supposed to put the contents
of my garden waste bin if someone else has already filled the green one?
Thanks Bexley Council, you do little to improve the quality of residents’ lives
but you sure know how to go in the other direction. But maybe not on as wide a front as
the Socialist Republic of Greenwich.