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News and Comment April 2022

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19 April (Part 4) - Extreme hypocrisy

Labour TweetI took one of my occasional looks at the Twitter account run by Anashua Davies, the Labour party candidate for Longlands ward. I am blocked but there are of course ways and means.

As far as I know she has not instructed her solicitor to send him a letter yet but she is bleating on about Andy Dourmoush not living in Bexley. His house is just the other side of the A20 in the borough of Bromley.

He qualifies as a candidate in Bexley because he is a major business employer in Erith.

It occurs to me that Andy lives much closer to his ward than the Labour Leader lives to his in Slade Green or the former Leader to his in Belvedere.

Who cares? Are they good candidates? Yes to all three.

Anashua must be an embarrassment to her fellow candidates. I’m pretty sure she is. I could quote the comments of three, two in writing, but I won’t. She won’t be elected anyway and be thankful for that.


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