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News and Comment April 2022

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4 April - Bent? You bet they are!

The Metropolitan Police are definitely corrupt. I didn’t need an eight year investigation by a Home Office sponsored panel to tell me that, I know it because of the several hundred documents filed in the cabinet behind me right now. I could say the same of the Kent Police, once backed into a corner they will lie to me and they will lie to an MP too. Probably it is the same in every force.

I recently commented on the Met’s own investigation into the failures that led the Daniel Morgan Independent Panel enquiry into pronouncing them “Institutionally Corrupt” and hopefully backed it with plausible evidence. They were corrupt 35 years ago and, in a possibly different way, still are. Unsurprisingly the Met said they weren’t corrupt and commissioned an independent enquiry to prove it.

Thanks to my links to the Morgan family and their journalist friend I am able to tell you a little of how the Met came to that conclusion.

UntouchablesFirstly the squad chosen to investigate their failures was one involved in the earlier mistakes, or as the DMIP preferred to summarise it; corruption. The squad is known as The Untouchables, which just happened to be the title of one of the earliest books about the Daniel Morgan murder.

it would appear that The Untouchables convened a workshop last November to look into the alleged corruption but refuses to say who attended apart from Met officers. The conclusion by the anonymous workshop panel is that they “believed the MPS was not institutionally corrupt” but there is scant evidence to support that view; something which contrasts starkly with the DMIP’s ample evidence of how they reached their conclusion.

The report itself provides just one clue to the workshop membership. One was the Professor of Policing at Bath University. Independent? Probably not.

As one might expect of someone with such a title, the professor is closely associated with the police and set up the John Grieve Centre for Policing and Community Safety. John Grieve being the founder of the squad which carried out the recent investigation. Independent? Almost certainly not.

One of the professor’s current police associates is a Commander specifically criticised by the DMIP for his personal failures in connection with the Daniel Morgan investigations. Independent? You must be joking.

The Met’s recent report claims that the professor “independently” clears them of corruption but it is accepted that there was no peer review. Corruption is so endemic that they no longer recognise what it is.

The Policing Minister Kit Malthouse has told Alastair Morgan that he knew nothing of these links.

The foregoing is independently in the public domain.


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