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News and Comment November 2021

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27 November (Part 2) - Bold ambition

One of the ambitions of the Conservative candidate in Old Bexley & Sidcup is that he will be championing the installation of electric vehicle charging points in that constituency. With fully electric vehicles now hitting 16% of new sales each month they are definitely needed.

Two years ago Bexley Council, that is Cabinet Member Craske, was boasting about the installation of 26 charging points in Bexley claiming that he was “investing in Bexleyְ’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure”.

He wasn’t of course, a private company did that for him.

Dozens? After two years it is barely two dozen.

Peter Craske has recently claimed to have surreptitiously increased the number to 41 but the national database of EV chargers does not show them and everyone knows Councillor Craske’s reputation where the absolute truth is concerned.

The chargers so far installed in Bexley’s parking bays are not especially useful. Optimistically they might put 25 miles of Winter motoring into a car every hour.

Fortunately our next man in Parliament - possibly - has plans to fix that.
Louie French
Quite how an MP will magic up all the extra infrastructure and persuade Bexley Council to get off its backside is not explained but one can’t fault the ambition.

Bexley has a long way to go compared to more progressive Councils.

Click image for source web page.


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