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News and Comment May 2021

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19 May (Part 3) - Patel’s reputation should never be allowed to recover

It has been a bit hectic on the Daniel Morgan front, Alastair’s email Inbox chose today to fill up and his website required further amendments. He was on LBC Radio this morning and right now is at the ITN studios.

Some websites are making the same point as I did this morning. If the Metropolitan Police suffers catastrophic reputational damage as it undoubtedly should it might have security implications. The answer is to relieve them of those responsibilities and restructure and take a new direction, not cover up for crooks.

Byline Times archive of articles is worth a read especially the most recent issues. Zelo Street is another good one that pulls no punches.

Chris Bryant MP Labour MP for Rhondda raised the issue in the Commons this afternoon. Daniel Morgan grew up in that part of Wales and his sister still lives there. Chris Bryant has been campaigning on behalf of Daniel for at least the past ten years.


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