15 July (Part 2) - Institutional Corruption pays
there be any remaining doubt that under Crime Minister Boris Johnson the whole
country has descended towards, if not into, what in my youth was called Banana Republic status? Prince
Charles being instructed to make a dishonest Police Officer a Dame Commander
must be absolute confirmation that the nation is lost.
Not content with lining the pockets of Conservative Party donors and wilfully
falsifying and hiding embarrassing Covid statistics, a woman who heads up an
Institutionally Corrupt Police force is given yet another honour.
If Dick had merely been in charge of a corrupt force and did her best to put
things right it may have been understandable but she didn’t. Over the past eight
years she was instrumental in the attempt to derail the Daniel Morgan
Independent Panel as the following excerpts from their report make clear.
In 2013 as Assistant Commander she tried to do a secretive deal with the Panel
Chairman in order to hide documents. As a result of that perversion the Panel
Chairman was replaced.
She was still at it in late 2014 and continued in her attempt to deprive the
Panel of vital documents until March this year.
Jean Charles de Menezes,
Westminter Bridge, Sarah Everard and PC Wayne Couzens,
maybe even Wembley 11th July. Just how incompetent - and of course, in the Panel’s eyes, corrupt -
does anyone have to be to get their just rewards?
I met a policeman yesterday who was adamant that there was no corruption because
Dick was not accepting brown envelopes. While attitudes like his prevail there
can be no hope of the Metropolitan Police improving and as if to prove it Dick
has still not provided Alastair Morgan with any indication that she accepts her
role in delaying the Panel’s investigation by seven years at a cost of well over
£12 million. (The eight years cost £16 million.)
Excerpts from the 1,250 page Daniel Morgan Independent Panel report.