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News and Comment January 2021

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27 January (Part 3) - Please drop the fags

About five years ago I went to the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth to look at their Holocaust exhibition; whether it is permanent or not I do not know but I do remember that I was unable to stay there as long as I could have done because it was far too upsetting.

On this Holocaust Memorial Day I wondered if there was anything I had on record to mark the occasion, but sadly not but I do remember a lady I used to see regularly when living in Hampshire who had a number tattoed on her upper arm.

No real connection except for the period of history in question but I will answer the sceptic who didn’t think that the RAF dropped cigarettes as well as bombs during the 1939-1945 war. Made in London when it was an industrialised city.

These images are no longer regarded as SECRET, they may be inspected at the National Archives; not during lockdown of course. War didn’t stop us going about our business but unfortunately a virus does.

Fag drop Fag drop

For the record, the drop was made by 161 squadron and not my father’s 138 but they shared responsibilities at the same airfield.


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