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News and Comment December 2021

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15 December (Part 2) - Piling on the prohibited party pressure

Councillor Adam Wildman first burst on to the Bexley Council scene in April 2018 by participating in the ritual of polishing Cabinet egos with sycophantic questions. Following that a mystery developed about whether he really lived in Bexley, the address given on his Register of Interests didn’t exist. Whether that was an input error or something else was never resolved.

Councillor Wildman’s only contribution to Council business took place three months after the 2018 election when he put his name to a Motion and cemented his burgeoning reputation as a supreme exponent of the ego polisher’s art…

“This Council welcomes the trust Bexley residents placed in them in electing a Conservative administration for the fourth consecutive term in May 2018.”
“This Council further welcomes the administration’s investment in local services, welcomes the focus on improving outcomes; and welcomes the administration’s plans to establish ‘The Bexley Deal’ to reinforce and enhance partnership working between the Council, residents, businesses, charities and local communities in the borough.”
“All Members of the Council commit to working to deliver ‘The Bexley Deal’ and a borough we can continue to be proud of.”

What was the point of that? How did Bexley residents benefit from it?

Despite contributing nothing more over the following three years other than a single criticism of the BCU based reorganisation of the police, Councillor Wildman was given Vice-Chairmanship of the vitally important Resources and Growth Scrutiny Committee replacing the more obviously capable Andy Dourmoush and Steven Hall. The Leader dishes out favours in mysterious ways.

And today it is not only Wildman's Twitter account that has gone, Bexley Conservatives’ rarely used blog confirms it.
Tory statement

Click image for source web page.

The Conservative statement very obviously leaves a lot of unanswered questions and Labour Leader Stefano Borella has lost no time jumping into that gap and putting them to the Council Leader Teresa O’Neill…
Labour questions

Click image for complete letter.


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