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News and Comment December 2021

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12 December (Part 1) - The borough divide

Wilton Road in Abbey Wood is the only, albeit minor, shopping centre which spans both Bexley and Greenwich boroughs. A month ago both Councils offered, through the Traders’ Association, to put up Christmas decorations to a maximum expenditure of £900. The Association chose the simple option of a few lights and for the past week the Greenwich side of the road has been adorned by three clusters. Nothing spectacular but no doubt the labour costs are high and it is only a little road.

Nothing at all on the Bexley side so I waited a week in case it was just a minor hiccup. Still nothing as I passed by in the rain last night so immediately below is the not very good phone photo. Beneath it is a reminder of what 2019 looked like. In 2020 there were no lights, Covid related obviously. Everything stops for Covid.
Wilton Road

Wilton Road, Abbey Wood.11th December 2021. No lights on Bexley side.

Wilton Road

Wilton Road, Abbey Wood. 11th December 2019. A full set of lights.


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