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News and Comment August 2021

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15 August - Weekend waffle

The only news is bins and you are probably as fed up with that subject as I am. It will have to be weekend waffle time and better still there is a BBQ invitation for this afternoon.

Abena's TweetI am not sure why Abena has put out this Tweet, not that there is anything wrong with it; but she seems to be following her boss’s lead who did the same an hour earlier.

I’m just not sure why the number 76 is special; but it was the occasion for a bloody good party. So I am told. My memories of 1945 are far from clear. Drinking out of tin cans, bathing in a zinc plated tub in front of an open fire and Jack Frost on the inside of windows the following winter.

Pop up dump

Where’s Wally?

Adolph DubbsEvery time Afghanistan gets into the news I am reminded of the idiocy of politicians. Just five weeks after I became the manager of London’s International Telephone Exchange at a time when what is now BT was a government owned company I was given instructions to cut the circuit to Kabul. Not reduce the number of lines because of a lack of business but cut the UK’s telephone links with Afghanistan entirely. I argued for a couple of days but on the morning of Valentine’s Day 1979 the line was chopped. Finito! Gone for all time.

By afternoon news came through that the US Ambassador in Kabul had been assassinated. Every news editor in Fleet Street was calling me an idiot. I had to go cap in hand to my counterpart in Paris to beg a circuit or two. Politicians have got little right since. I feel the whole lot of them should be deposed; starting in Downing Street.

Today I did what I promised myself I would do months ago. Make a Freedom of Information Request for the calculations that prove the odd/even dates restrictions applied to recycling centres make statistical sense. If it proves to be something the management dreamed up while sitting Archimedes-like in the bath while racing rubber ducks we will know that Bexley Councillors really have recruited a bunch of idiots. Maybe the same ones as those who drew up the Serco contract.


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