9 September (Part 1) - Systematic road wrecking in Bexley
Bexley Council may well be a little less dishonest than it used to be and
school transport issues aside, it is quite a long time since it was caught out
committing criminal acts or being unlawfuly vindictive towards specially chosen residents, but the one thing that shows no sign of improving is
road design. It was of course their Head of Highway Services blatantly and provably lying to me that
caused this website to be created.
A reader who presumably shares my view of Bexley’s idiotic road designs solved a
mystery for me yesterday. I had wondered why there was so often congestion on
Danson Road (A221) which I didn’t recall seeing until recently.
He sent me these before and after photos. The morons have removed the feeder road into the
park. Maybe morons is too mild a word for them.
You can still just about see the old road markings.
I can still hardly believe what they did to Harrow Manorway. Their idea of increased road capacity to Abbey Wood station as originally promised was a dual carriageway
but instead they halved the road width and halved the speed limit. Then as if
that was not enough put the pedestrian crossing at a roundabout so that it fools
drovers into thinking the green means they have right of way on to the roundabout.
Morons really isn’t a strong enough word is it?