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News and Comment October 2020

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6 October - Build Back Better

What’s with this Build Back Better business? It’s a fair enough slogan in the circumstances but it is suddenly in worldwide use. Why? It is enough feed the conspiracy theorists that our Government is in hock to some shadowy underworld organisation like Spectre.
Sir David Evennett and the Covid tyrant Build Back Better

Jumped up traffic wardensBoris Johnson is more YoYo than BoJo, maybe he is on Blofeld’s string after all.

Away from Covid he may be doing a reasonable job but he has lost all sense of proportion over Covid19. Fines in the region of £100 for straying into a bus lane or staying too long on a parking meter but up to £4,000 if a Corona victim runs out of milk and pops down to the supermarket.

What is more there, is no appeal system and the fines can be imposed by a low grade traffic warden appointed by your caring local Council.

Whatever his plans for wind power there can be no excuse for the Prime Minister’s tyrannical and unwarranted attack on the citizens of this country.

How many Londooners died of the Chinese Flu yesterday? One; and you can bet your own life that it was someone on his or hers last legs anyway.

How many cancer and heart attack sufferers has that man’s policies killed already?

It’s total Tory nonsense.

Click Image 3 or here for more info.


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