2 October (Part 1) - The iniquitous TV tax
I received a demand to buy a TV Licence today, 22 pages of guff on various
ways of paying for a licence and 60 words on how to ask the BBC to kindly go away.
A chargeable phone call too. (See below.)
The last programme I watched was Endeavour which I think was on ITV in February
last year or maybe it was the year before, I’ve forgotten. Never used
i-Player or anything similar.
My daughter gave me a horrified look when I said two weeks ago
that I had totally abandoned her employer’s output, “What not even Radio 4?” Nope. All gone,
on top of which it is iniquitous that you have to pay the TV tax even if you
only watch Muslim News beamed up from Mecca, as my aunt’s neighbour does in East Ham.
Which brings me to the point; the letter that went to my aunt’s house in E6 is
different to mine and allows you to tell the BBC to do one via the web.
Maybe that is useful to someone.