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News and Comment November 2020

Index: 2009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024

27 November (Part 2) - Nostalgia via new Photo Diaries

Not much progress on old blogs today, that Petition Index took far too long to compile. However old blogs are now restored through 2009 to February 2013. After that there is pretty much a navigation free void right up to 2020. Lots of work still to do but software tools are reporting no internal broken links to February 2013. How long is lockdown?

As occasional light relief Picture Diaries of long forgotten events have been compiled. The pictorial history of Ye Olde Leather Bottle has already been mentioned but there are also pictures of Thamesmead’s Tavy Bridge in all its pre-demolition glory.

Various road related events are also pictured. The Broadway regeneration, the NoToMob’s sorties into Bexley to try to keep Bexley’s parking enforcement legal, the BBC filming for the same reason and the numerous accidents in Abbey Road, Belvedere, caused by the inexpert narrowing in 2009. All pictures at two and a half times the resolution of any seen before.


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