26 November (Part 2) - Compare and Contrast
If you have been coming here for a long time you will know of my connections
with Newham. I wouldn’t like to live there apart perhaps for its low Council
Tax, almost free removal of unwanted large items - it has just gone from
being free to £20 for six items - and the extraordinarily inexpensive residents’
parking permits. Free for the first car.
Bexley on the other hand has 26% higher Council Tax than Newham and the
highest Residents’ Parking fees since 2011.
So high nine years ago that they have not raised the price since then and they
are still much higher than in Greenwich. Now that Bexley is staring bankruptcy
in the face maybe they should copy what Newham does rather than filch its senior staff.
In Newham they have decided that the basic charge should remain at zero but
subject the a pollution levy. Good for the least polluting cars but a bit
expensive if you own a gas guzzler.
Maybe I shouldn’t be giving them ideas.