5 November (Part 1) - Lockdown Lunacy
There was a Full Council meeting last night which sounded quite interesting
when I cocked an ear to the webcast last night. It is going to save me from idle
space filling here while nothing much is going on.
One of the subjects under discussion was the Thames Crossing, a political
football throughout the time I have lived in Bexley. Broadly speaking pushed by
Labour and killed off by Council Leader Teresa O’Neill and her various cohorts
and friends in high places, but in reality rather more nuanced than that.
There are plenty of reports on the too-ing and fro-ing over eleven years’
worth of blogs which I personally find difficult to locate when the need arises so I will pass Day 1 of lockdown with creating
an Index of relevant things. It
will be work in progress for a while and some of the Indexed blogs have not yet
been subject to the site updating which has been going on behind the scenes. Follow links from Indexed blogs with care!
The UK news today appears to be
dominated by a care home which has imprisoned a 97 years old lady. Bozo’s
lockdown is creating strange situations everywhere.
I have a second cousin, we share a maternal great grandmother; does that make
her a second cousin? She is a bit older than me and has always been what my mother described as ‘a sickly child’.
She was life and soul of my 70th birthday party, some would say an
embarrassment, but in recent years her failing health has dominated her family’s
life. She requires dialysis three times a week, she had a stroke earlier this
year and is confined to a wheelchair. Her husband who is just short of his 80th birthday
is barely coping and was persuaded that he needs a rest and his wife agreed that
she should spend two weeks in a Care Home starting today.
When they arrived this morning they were told that my cousin must spend the
whole of her expensive two weeks there in solitary confinement thanks to Covid regulations, so back home she has gone.
Fortunately the local police did not handcuff and arrest anyone on the instructions of a Stalinist Social Worker.