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News and Comment November 2020

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2 November - The Party is over

I suppose I should feel sad that Conservatism is in terminal decine but in reality I am not because there has been plenty of time to get used to the idea. True Conservatism was lost when the Heir to Blair, Hug a Hoodie Cameron took charge ten years ago.

I thought May was bad but treachery has been replaced by total incompetence - and lying about statistics. There is nowhere for the right leaning to go any more, Kneel Starmer is an opportunist prat and a failed former Director of Public Prosecutions and so far as I can see, most of his MPs are poor. Just look at the talent lined up on Starmer’s front bench. One issue politicians some with very foul mouths.
The End Telegraph
Maybe we are due for A Great Reset after all.


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