28 May (Part 3) - Twitter nonsense
I only use Twitter to announce new blogs on Bonkers and I am not sure I can
be bothered doing that any more. Twitter now not only censors right wing views
it blocks access to http websites dependent on the browser in use. I confess to
not understanding that bit.
It will tell you that accessing Bexley-is-Bonkers is dangerous despite Bonkers code doing
nothing out of the ordinary. It is a plain old fashioned mixture of php and htm files of the sort you
might see ten years ago with not a cookie in sight.
Twitter tells me that I must purchase a Security Certificate before it will link
to Bonkers and Google has delisted it for the same reason.
It already costs far too much money to bring you news of Council affairs that
you can no longer read in the local papers and I do not feel inclined to spend
any more. It is another reason why this website must inevitably fade away over time.