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News and Comment January 2020

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2 January - Abbey Wood beggar moves into Belvedere

Begging in and around Abbey Wood is a frequent occurrence so much so that I very rarely carry cash. I feel a lot better saying “sorry I have no money with me” when it is actually true.

The local Facebook Group which I look at most days but no longer Follow has been relating how a lady has been plaguing Abbey Wood with the same old story about having no money to pay for electricity for the past month or so. Today she reached Coptefield Drive.

Same old story, she lived at number 12 but she couldn’t feed her children because the meter had run out and her husband wouldn’t be home until three.

No. 12 is almost directly opposite me and I had never seen her before. The description exactly matches Facebook reports from earlier today. Maybe this image will help people avoiding falling for her story in future.

There is no audio with this video clip.

I intercepted her via my side door. See trousers at end of clip.


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