I’m still inclined to abandon Bonkers, what is the point of a
website that was set up to comment on Bexley Council when there is nothing much
going on to comment on, especially now that so many activities are abandoned? However rather too many people say it should carry on. But how?
More personal comment? It can’t survive on that alone but maybe a bit of dissent over this lockdown thing won’t go amiss.
Today Dominic Raab the Deputy Prime Minister is likely to announce an extension to the lockdown without
holding out any prospect of relief to keep people’s hopes alive. I never thought
I would say this but maybe the man who as Director of Public Prosecutions
decided not to prosecute Jimmy Saville, the cops who shot Jean Charles de
Menezes or (initially) battered Ian Tomlinson to death and showed his
incompetence for all to see over the so called Twitter Joke Trial, has a point
when he says there should be some sort of exit plan; not that we can expect him to formulate one.
Listening to too much talk radio as I have done illustrates all too clearly that
it is not only businesses that are being ruined but lives too. My wider circle
suffered a suicide early on and you only have to look at the total death figures
to see that they are up not just for Corona related reasons; they are up because of the lockdown.
I read through a long Twitter thread started, or maybe it was just extended, by
the Daily Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson and it showed how elderly people.
especially those living on their own, are at their wit’s end and in some cases
in tears as no doubt are those of all ages cooped up in flats.
There have been so called Covidiots out taking silly risks and a similar
proportion of power drunk police out catching them encouraged by over-promoted
Chief Constables. There has been a grave lack of common sense in some places but
maybe the rules lack common sense too.
All but the most extreme Leftards were appalled by the prospect of losing the Prime Minister to the Corona virus
and the worst of them claimed that every single nurse and doctor at St. Thomas’
Hospital was complicit in a massive publicity stunt, his admission and discharge being only four days apart.
Fortunately Mr. Johnson decided that the rules did not apply to him. He went to his second
home and invited his girlfriend who had been living separately in South London to join him at Chequers.
right too but you and I can’t do that however sensible we are.
I have been in contact with almost no one for four weeks, one trip to
Sainsbury’s two weeks ago, that is all. Vast numbers of older people are in the
same position. Why can’t an old lady with a best friend living in the next
street, both of them isolated for a month, have a cup of tea together?
Why can’t I visit a cousin who, like me, has not been out of his house? In his case not even once.
It would be much less risky than a walk in the park.
are people not allowed to drive to the nearest park? Very little can be
safer than being cocooned in a tin box, certainly a lot safer than risk being
puffed over by a passing jogger. How come everyone is suddenly jogging anyway?
How can it be legal to drive to a shop for essential supplies but illegal to
drive there and back just for the fun of it to relieve the monotony? Deaths
caused by accidents at home are more than three times higher than those on the road.
How far can I go to a shop anyway? Sainsbury’s in Abbey Wood is not too bad for
Gluten Free bread, biscuits and cake but not being much of a cook I like to keep
a stock of pre-prepared frozen meals too. You can’t get them in the nearest
Sainsbury’s, in fact I’m not sure you can get them in any Sainsbury’s. I have
always had to get mine from Tesco. If a friend who shops in Tesco picks some up
for me, can I drive ten miles to pick them up?
The curries come from a shop in Pett’s Wood.
The Conservative MP Nadine Dorries
has said that the full lockdown can only be exited when we have a vaccine. She’s
another Covidiot isn’t she? We can’t go another year without leaving our homes.
If it goes on much longer I am going to have to make another mercy dash to prevent another suicide.
If there is no hope and no future, especially for the elderly, what is the point of carrying on? Will Raab do the right thing?