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News and Comment April 2020

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3 April (Part 2) - Ridiculous

It has been reported that the roads are getting busy again and I will admit I thought the same when I had to drive to East Ham on Wednesday morning but with fewer people using public transport and care workers and those who work in boroughs more caring than Bexley all being given free parking I felt it was natural and inevitable and maybe a good thing.

But there could be another reason too. People offering urgent care to the vulnerable.

You may remember the elderly lady who lives in an L&Q house riddled with damp and the worst imaginable unprofessional repairs. When I was last there I was suffering from flu or something and she was plying me with pills while I reported that I was seriously worried by her health. I texted her the other day to see if she was OK and this morning she phoned back.

At the best of times her breathing is laboured and her hands shake and one wonders how she has survived so long but now she is confined to bed. She rang Bexley Council’s help line and - so she says - as she is not in receipt of the government’s vulnerable person letter she’s been told to go away for now at least.

I know she has no internet connection because she could no longer afford it and has been cut off in the past by her phone company for falling behind with the bill. I would have thought that she is very vulnerable but who am I to say?

Because she was refused help by Bexley Council an old friend drove up from Bournemouth yesterday with supplies. Maybe that is a reason for increasing traffic levels?

I am not sure what these supplies consisted of because there are still basics missing and I have taken a small shopping list. It would appear she has fresh meat but no vegetables or anything to drink.

I have been to a supermarket just once in the past two and a bit weeks and only because of my aunt’s insatiable appetite for toilet rolls and now I have to go again because no one is helping an old lady confined to bed without it would seem any official assistance. But she is still alive so it’s not all bad news.

Groombridge Close in case there are any Good Samaritans out there.


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