7 March (Part 1) - The natives are revolting
Anyone who has reason to drive at the time schools are opening or closing
will know exactly how atrocious some of the driving and parking to be found at those times can be.
Why it has to be like that is beyond me. Not once did I ever drive my children
to school and picked them up only on those rare occasions I got off early from
work, the number of occasions may never have reached double figures.
School was about a mile and a half away although I learned only recently that
both of them took the forbidden short cut along the canal towpath where a strange man sometimes
asked what colour knickers the girls were wearing.
It is all very different now and residents who live close to Old Bexley Primary
School have just about had enough of irresponsible drivers.
Some pictures would have been nice but they have gained the support of the Local
Government Ombudsman who has ruled that Bexley Council is in breach of
Condition 6 of the planning consent for the expanded school. Bexley Council has
failed to put a Travel Plan in place and is currently refusing to consult with
residents. Their age old tactic.
The police have confirmed that access by emergency vehicles has been blocked but
still Bexley Council does nothing. Cabinet Member Alex Sawyer has organised a
few visits by traffic wardens but is otherwise considered by residents to be ineffective.
Residents are being encouraged to complain and template letters are available on the residents’ website,