1 March (Part 2) - No buses across Bexley? Blame TfL not Bexley Council
The loss of bus services across Bexley yesterday morning was difficult to understand, how could a town
centre bus garage become isolated? I was also curious about how the B11 appeared to be running but the 229 wasn’t.
I Googled around to see if the B11 was no longer based in Bexleyheath and drew a
complete blank on which route came from where. However a reader has come to my rescue, thanks Brian.
one could possibly need to know about bus routes is on Wikipedia.
There it is revealed that in their infinite wisdom, Transport for London
snatched routes 99, 160, 229, 269, 401, 428, 469, 492, B12, B13 and B15 away from
Bexleyheath and based them in Dartford.
Mystery solved. You had no bus services yesterday because Tfl is no longer fit for purpose.
Bexley Council’s gritting operation was not that bad, although it
was less effective than it might have been because of the lack of buses.
Perhaps we will hear some excuses from the TfL representative at the next
Transport Users’ Sub-Committee meeting.