13 January (Part 3) - They are all as bad as each other
This story is not new but Darryl Chamberlain (the 853 blog) did well to get it covered in Private Eye.
comment is self explanatory, the Royal Borough of Greenwich is paying good money
to ensure its propaganda message goes out unsullied by the truth and anything
else they might not have sanctioned.
From further afield, Wandsworth, comes news that Councillors there are just as
touchy about news reporting as they are in Bexley.
The following text came via a circuitous route yesterday, this is just the first
paragraph but it tells you the basics.
I don’t know what Mr. CouncilWatch is supposed to have done but on the face of
it it looks like his local coppers are short of things to do.
Today [Friday 12th January 2018] Mr. CouncilWatch received a ’phone call from Wandsworth Police (the
“farce” that has given up investigating burglaries, car crime, vandalism
and patrolling the streets - because of Tory cuts) informing him that he
must attend an interview at the police station (is there one?) following
complaints from a person or persons unnamed within the council that he
has been “harassing” councillors and committing “racism” in his emails.
Mr. CouncilWatch was told that if he did not attend voluntarily he would be arrested.
I have not been able to track down a Wandsworth based Mr. CouncilWatch’s blog or whatever, if anyone can do
better then please post the details somewhere.