2 February (Part 1) - Belvedere’s bomb site
have clear memories of scrambling over East London bomb sites in the late 1940s,
quite how young boys survived some of the foolhardy antics, all unsupervised of
course, I am not quite sure. Looking back some of them still seem scary.
Yesterday a Tweet encouraged me to relive that experience. Take a look at the Olde
Leather Bottle site it said, and what a dump it is.
Why does Bexley Council allow it?
Ever since
the site of Bexley’s oldest pub was excavated and later
while the Planning Department was looking the other way Bexley Council has behaved shamefully.
When the Health & Safety Executive took an interest in the unsafe demolition
practices Bexley Council refused their co-operation. I was invited to the H&SE
Head Office for interview and to certify the dates of my photographs. I was not
alone in being called there but there has been no evidence of a prosecution.
Locally there were stories of rather tenuous links between the developers and
Bexley Council. Whether true or not the current situation is a pretty good
indication of how little Bexley Council cares about the environment and the safety of its residents.
Their priorities right now are entirely concentrated on maintaining their vote in the Southern wards.