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News and Comment October 2017

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2 October (Part 2) - No Part 2!

Part 2 was going to be one of those difficult to write blogs because of the need to get every last word precise, accurate and unambiguous - as is absolutely necessary when taking on the police.

Things were going well until the phone rang and a 97 year old voice said “I can’t get the oven to turn off”, something my elderly aunt usually manages every day.

Then came a clue. “Yes, I put the clothes in the oven and it stopped and there is water in the bottom.” (A top loader.)

25 minutes and much switch flicking later the fridge wasn’t working either and (I could see it had no light via her CCTV) and the words off and on had totally lost their meaning to her. With the only volunteer helpers 15 minutes walk away and all 80 or older, there was only one solution. No Part 2! I will need to be wide awake when writing that and an unwanted journey has ensured that I am not.


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