27 November (Part 2) - What can they ruin next asks Youtube man. Maybe he should ask Andrew Bashford
A similar look at Welling.
“There was a double fatal crash in Park View Road July 2007, a speeding Rover clipped the built-out kerb & was launched head-on into
the N89 bus. I live opposite; I was sent a ‘Consultation Survey’ from Bexley Council. As an ex-biker & cyclist I said the road narrowing
was dangerous, suddenly pushing motorbikes & bicycles into the path of cars. The Council carried on anyway.
I was never informed the results of this ‘consultation’. It was obviously a box-ticking waste of money. The couple might not have died if
they hadn’t hit the ‘traffic calming’ built-out kerb, it aimed them across the road into the oncoming traffic. They were drunk & wearing no seatbelts but they
might have survived a crash with a lamp-post.”
Road narrowing is nearly always dangerous for exactly the reasons given above. The experts say so and the man in the street can see it is obvious but not Bexley Council and its crazy road planner.