2 November (Part 1) - Spot the connection?
over two weeks ago Greenwich Council painted nice little back drops on a wall which were only likely to
attract the local graffiti artists of which there are many. (The wall is no more
than 50 metres from the Bexley borough boundary.)
Mr. Quinn who takes a keen and welcome interest in his local community went on
Facebook to voice his disapproval. I cannot tell you exactly what he said
because his comments are no longer showing on ‘What’s New in SE2’ - or maybe it is me being a Facebook incompetent again. (†) However what Kieran said was as measured as anyone could expect. I
went further by suggesting that Greenwich Council’s actions were “moronic”.
Sure enough Kieran’s forecast has been fulfilled in the worst possible way beyond anything he may have imagined or deserves.
A quarter of a mile away Crossrail is taking no chances with their new train.
Wikipedia says that the original contract for 66 class 345 trains was worth a
billion pounds and four more have been ordered since then, so mounting a 24 hour
guard against the Abbey Wood vandals is a very good decision but an appalling
example of what Bexley Council has allowed to go wrong in the north of the borough.
One must hope that TfL is going to mount a 24 hour guard on their four external station
lifts too. I fear the worst.
† The comments mysteriously reappeared on 4th November.