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News and Comment July 2017

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10 July (Part 3) - Taxing times, or taxidermy if you’d prefer it

Bexley Council has ways of making you pay. Robbing motorists daily with carefully designed traps is something almost every Council does but Bexley can be particularly inventive when it tries.

One of its new range of charges which, like the three weekly refuse collection cycle, didn’t make its way into the Budget Book, is the £50 charge for taking away dead animals.
Stealth tax
So next time an injured fox crawls into your front garden to die, or a squirrel falls out of a tree and kills itself - I saw that happen when I lived in rural Hampshire - or a pigeon breaks its neck on your bay window, then a thick black sack and a dustbin may be the answer.

Burial may not be a good idea. I dug a deep hole for a 27 pound carp that simply keeled over and died within a few seconds and the foxes still sniff around and scratch that area of my garden at least three years later.


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