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News and Comment January 2017

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15 January - Beware of gift horses

It is exactly a year since various cyber attacks on this website culminated in the blocking of its Facebook page. Consultations with an IT professional brought forth the view that Bexley Council’s IT contractor had conducted poorly executed Denial of Service attacks but the Facebook block was harder to pin down.

This year’s IT conundrum appears to be a good deal less high tech. I appear to have (not quite) fallen victim to a scam I first read about it in a Bromley Residents’ Association Magazine. It involves having a telephone sent to someone else's address and then collecting it with some cock and bull story about a mistaken delivery. How that benefits anyone I have no idea but according to the magazine it does.

The biggest influence on Council Tax levels in Bexley probably comes from the Council’s Finance Director Alison Griffin. She has set out her view on what lies ahead in some obscure Local Government publication.

I don’t think reading it told me anything I didn’t know already so I would doubt the intended readership learned anything either. Maybe you can work out why she felt obliged to write such a piece. I hope she did so in her own time not ours.
Alison Griffin

Click image for source document.


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