6 January (Part 1) - Regenerating Abbey Wood Village
Greenwich Council has sent a letter to all the residents and traders in Wilton
Road to say that the public realm work will start on Monday 9th January.
The work is scheduled to take eight weeks (weather permitting) during which time
sections of the footpath will be unusable and parking bays will be taken out of
use. Later on in the year the road will be resurfaced.
Not everything will be as promised. Only the part of the footpath owned by the
Council will be relaid, the sections which are in private hands on the Bexley
side will not be improved at all. It will likely look a total mess as a result.
I know the official reason for this situation but only because of my involvement
with the Traders’ Association so I am not at liberty to say what it is. However
you would be wrong to assume that it is a Bexley Council cock-up.
I don’t yet know whether the same applies on the Greenwich side of the road, but
if it is they have not said anything about it.