16 April (Part 2) - Two tribes go to war - on one!
It’s only two or three months since Councillor Lynn Smith (UKIP, Blackfen &
Lamorbey) asked me if I had considered becoming a Councillor. “Yes, for all of
two milliseconds.” I definitely don’t have the required mindset and I don’t think
it is an easy job to do properly.
Maybe Lynn hasn’t the right mindset either. I suspect she didn’t expect to win Blackfen in 2014 based on what she said to Mick Barnbrook who was standing there
as an Independent
at the same time.
Not having the right mindset to be a Councillor should be considered a
compliment given the nature of politics in Bexley.
Yesterday Lynn Smith Tweeted two very simple questions about
the Growth Strategy.
She went on to say she thought each proposed development should be considered on
its merits and UKIP did not believe in “blind tribalism”. Isn’t she absolutely right? Councillor Read’s ambition
to open up six
miles of riverfront appears to be laudable enough but I would think it must be done sensitively.
Lynn’s innocent remarks landed her in hot water with the other two parties.
Councillor Daniel Francis led for Labour, John Davey for the Conservatives.
UKIP Councillor Colin McGannon
had been
very supportive of the Growth Strategy,
forecasting the occasional difficulty but promising support wherever possible. I
am not aware that any of his colleagues have ever contradicted him as
Councillor Francis stated in his Tweet. Certainly not Lynn Smith who merely posed a question.
Lynn Smith responded in the same way I would have done. She follows her
conscience, not the party whip.
Councillor Francis continued with his theme threatening to tell constituents that UKIP will actively
both oppose and support the Growth Strategy. Where the hell did that come from?
It might help the Labour cause and I can see that their rejection of tribalism
must make writing UKIP manifestos difficult, but I prefer the honourable approach not something
worthy of a Bexley Conservative website. The tribalism
and group speak is not for me and confirms that my “two millisecond” response to
Lynn was the right one.
I was beginning to think that Councillor Francis had made an uncharacteristic bad call and things were
becoming a bit silly, but then, fortunately for him, Councillor John Davey threw in his twopennyworth.
If you want inane silliness no one does things better than a Crayford Tory.