29 September (Part 2) - The dead bins lie fallen all over the borough
There is not a lot more one can say about the brown bin fiasco. Undoubtedly a big logistical operation and one which has shown up local authority management for what it is. Useless.
whole operation was supposed to be a money making ruse.
Cut waste processing costs by £444,000 a year
and fool residents into believing that there was no alternative to paying for the service. Heads they win, tails you lose.
How much more money would have been saved by keeping the old bins instead of
collecting them for scrap worth less than a pound according to the cabinet member?
Councillors are presumably very aware of the amount of discontent the bin
situation is causing. The correspondence file reveals that some have sent
sympathetic responses, councillors Marriner and Aileen Beckwith, Conservatives for Barnehurst and Sidcup respectively among them.
At the other extreme are councillors like Val Clark (Conservative, Falcon Wood &
Welling) who has ignored a whole series of short complaints about the early
morning noise involved in the stacking of bins - have you ever allowed a lid to
fall against the side of an empty bin? - and the hazard presented to the
partially sighted. Why anyone would expect a civil response from
councillor Val Clark
beats me but I am happy to have my prejudices confirmed.
I rather liked this bit in one of the unanswered emails; “Is the non reply
either your refusal to represent residents, rudeness or instructions from
political leaders to bury your heads in the sand?”.
I have had reports of stacked bins in Brampton Road for what must be a week now
and they proved to be true when I was there at one o’clock today.
A fitting memorial to an incompetent council in the leader’s own ward. Teresa O’Neill OBE - Overturned Bin Embarrassment.