23 September (Part 1) - More Bottle
Ye Olde Leather Bottle has, in terms of email responses, been the most
‘popular’ subject for a long time. The information provided mainly amounts to what was
reported yesterday. A couple of men with a JCB have
been uprooting trees, and there is nothing illegal about that.
From Bexley council, via the local councillors, comes news that the pub and its land has been bought by someone with a history of
buying up disused public houses and putting up flats in their place, but no such application has been made.
The facade of the Leather Bottle is listed and the site is expected to be fenced
off before long. If/when a planning application is submitted, local residents
will be consulted in the normal way.
The fencing may prove interesting because local residents say that there is a
long established right of way through the pub grounds and that the council has
very recently acknowledged its existence.