Bexley council seems to be getting a pretty bad press on Streetlife.
problem would appear to be that no two people are being treated the same and
Streetlife makes it easy for people to compare notes.
July sign ups for the bin tax have no new bins while very recent sign ups have theirs. Or so it is said.
Some people have had their old bins removed while neighbours still have theirs. Whether they
will ever be emptied again is anybody’s guess.
Recycling appears not to be the only council department where confusion reigns.
More than two weeks ago (21st August) I received my electoral registration form and I completed it on line within the hour.
Easy, no snags whatsoever. Far easier than any of Bexley council’s consultation forms.
The system sent me a receipt more or less immediately. (See first image below.)
However this morning the postman brought me a letter (second image) from Mr. Dave Easton, Head
of Electoral and Members’ Services
Now I don’t know for certain if I am registered or not. What is the cost in wasted postages charges?