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News and Comment September 2015

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4 September (Part 3) - Poison Pen Letter

Bexley TimesFeedback from within Conservative circles said they were very annoyed by what they saw as support of Teresa Pearce in last Wednesday’s blog.

It wasn’t support at all. It agreed that Theresa’s party has an appalling record on rail fares and that the Tories (Boris Johnson excepted) have not been quite as bad. However it did attempt to introduce some facts into the argument to counter Anna Firth’s distortions.

Anna was either extremely mischievous or just plain stupid to complain that Teresa Pearce’s election campaign didn’t start until the Parliamentary session had ended. What else did she expect?

Is Anna Firth really the original disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, sorry Sevenoaks, wielding her green inked pen?

Well if it annoys councillor Philip Read and his ilk, let’s do it again to commemorate the fact that Anna repeated her News Shopper bilge in the Bexley Times a day later.

“A shallow attempt to score political points.” Oh, the irony!


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