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News and Comment October 2015

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7 October (Part 2) - Bad design leads to bad driving

The very frequent traffic queues in Harrow Manorway are getting to be a thorough nuisance; all carefully engineered by Greenwich and Bexley councils.
You can be held up at the pedestrian crossing which is set to serve the new station and in the distance the lights outside Sainsbury’s might be at red too. However before you drive the 150 yards to those lights they will have gone green and back to red again.

The result is long queues. At last week’s Crossrail meeting the bosses there were speaking of building a station capable of handling tens of thousands of passengers a day. Things can only get worse.

Not a stone’s throw from Sainsbury’s is a roundabout on which it is quite impossible to maintain any form of lane discipline. I have given up trying to stay in lane. No one expects it and it confuses the masses to try.

Thamesmead is one of those places where drivers regards roundabouts as short dual carriageways built for overtaking, Knee Hill and Yarnton Way being prime examples. The poor road design brings out the worst in some people as this dashcam footage illustrates.


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