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News and Comment November 2015

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17 November (Part 1) - Not just an island platform, an isolated building site too

In another letter from Network Rail they recognise their work is “impacting” on the local population. Well that is one way of putting it.

In an attempt to win back friends they are going to hold another of their occasional drop-in sessions at the Community Centre on Knee Hill.
I think I have a question for them. If the realigned London bound North Kent line will be using the new platform by next February as planned and if above ground work on the new station is not going to begin until after that date - as I was told by one of the bosses very recently - how are they going to get their men and machinery into position? The station building’s southern footprint will be cut off on both sides by a working railway.
There will be no more Crossrail related line closures this year, but on every weekend in January it will be buses only again from Slade Green to Abbey Wood.


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