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News and Comment November 2015

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16 November (Part 1) - Bexley is Bonkers on Facebook

I’ve said before that I have totally failed to get to grips with Facebook, give me php and css files anytime, they make a lot more sense to me. Even apparently successful Facebook pages look messy to me and the Bonkers Bexley Facebook page has been nothing like a successful Facebook page.

Two months ago I handed it over to a third party but it hasn’t changed a great deal since. I am told that part of the problem is that I set up the Facebook account all wrong. Probably I did.

So the Bonkers’ Facebook page has undergone some big changes this morning. Existing ‘Friends’ will be asked to rejoin. My impression is that some of the so called Friends were there to push a non-Bexley related agenda and there is a need to be more ruthless which such people in future. I’m told their is an Unfriend button somewhere.

Note: Following an attack on the Facebook page believed to be the work of Bexley council, the Facebook address was changed.


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