30 March - LibDems ignore imminent election and Bexley mayor displays breathtaking arrogance
LibDems deserve no votes in Bexley
When searching for local political websites to
add to the BiB menu I didn’t even think
of looking for a Liberal Democrat site which may tell you something about my opinion of that
party, but I belatedly decided to make amends. This is the best I could do…
Mayor shows his true colours
There is an interesting entry on Page 26 of the current Bexley Magazine but it took a nudge from a BiB reader for me to notice it.
was an opportunity to see a 50 minute programme (not two hours as shown) of
films from Bexley’s past (1920s to early 1960s). About 150 people, mostly old
enough to be able to remember that far back, turned up at the Civic Centre well
before the appointed time - which came and went with increasing impatience from the floor.
At Saturday morning pictures we used to stamp on the floor when the film broke
or the arc lamp dimmed but apparently that technique doesn’t work any more. We
had to wait for the mayor to make an appearance which the arrogant blighter
deigned to do 40 minutes after most of us and 25 minutes past the scheduled
starting time. Not a word of apology, just councillor Howard Marriner’s usual
mumble about nothing in particular, this time at nearly 70 years old he was
looking forward to seeing a bit of Bexley’s history. He wasn’t alone, that is
why everyone else had got there early.
The mayor is paid nearly £15,000 a year on top of his councillor allowance for
parading his chain at public events. You would think he might have the common
decency to turn up on time for those who fill his wallet so generously, or at
least offer a word of apology for keeping everyone waiting. But no, he is a
member of the nasty party and above all that sort of thing.
I don’t suppose I was alone in incurring an extra hour’s car parking fee.
There was a reasonably wide range of subject matter although I would have preferred more recognisable
street scenes and less nappy changing. The show was arranged by
and the films can be viewed on that website. Click ‘Screen Heritage’. Searching
for ‘Bexley’ brings forth dozens of films with no mayoral arrogance to get in the way.