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News and Comment June 2015

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12 June (Part 1) - Slowly does it

Every year, Bexley council like all others, has to open its books to public inspection. It is not for the casual nosy parker because Bexley council is adept at covering its tracks and bamboozling the uninitiated, which is why I asked someone who knew what he was doing to inspect the accounts on my behalf last year.

What he found warranted a detailed investigation which led to an official objection to the accounts. Bexley’s 2013/14 accounts have still not been signed off.

NoticeMy agent is not any old nosy parker with accountancy and legal skills, they are probably ten a penny. This one has been behind BBC Panorama and Channel 4 Dispatches programmes exposing bent councils.

There are many legal restraints on what I can say so I will play safe and say almost nothing. However the Local Government Ombudsman has had similar concerns and internal documents have provided very interesting insights into Bexley council’s malpractice.

They have been described as among the very worst ever seen in the area which is under scrutiny and the council officers closely involved are said to be “terrified” at the prospect of exposure. I am hopeful that some of them will appear in court in due course, my agent says I must be patient.

Sorry to be so vague but if those who seek to persecute residents in contravention of every rule imaginable are to have the tables turned on them, some circumspection is essential.

Bexley council: Dishonest, Vindictive, Criminal.


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