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News and Comment January 2015

Index: 2009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024

25 January (Part 3) - This Website

Late in the afternoon of 24th January every page on B-i-B was changed and a fresh copy loaded to the server. More critically all the support files which those pages rely on were carved up into more manageable chunks, renamed, moved to new positions and loaded in a different sequence. If your browser didn’t notice, none of mine did, it’s not likely to be a problem in the near future.

More details.

From Sunday 25th January the Blog Index pages have been configured to be part of the Blog Section of the website instead of the older and original General Section. This means the Indexes will adopt User Configurations of a Blog Page and carry a Blog Menu instead of a main Site Menu. All complaints to the Usual Place.


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