20 February (Part 2) - Another opportunity for swimming in Bexley
After cancelling last Monday’s afternoon information session at Lesnes Abbey, Bexley council
rescheduled the Friday repeat to this morning, which meant I couldn’t be there.
I sent a substitute - well he was going anyway.
He didn’t learn much that was new. The next stage of the development
is building the new visitor centre and restyling the Monks’ Garden.
Contracts for the remaining jobs, paths etc. have not yet been let. The impression was
given that the new paths across the park will be glorified gravel tracks to
avoid disturbing the sub-soil which may contain artefacts. I hope they are
better than the temporary paths which are
too soft for wheelchair access.
I was a little disappointed with the map being given out which shows where the
new paths will go. It includes a large feature close to my house which was
removed more than 20 years ago. I asked Thamesmead Town Ltd. - remember them? -
if they could do something to deter the drug takers who congregated there most
nights. They took drastic action and there has been no problem since.
Peabody Housing was represented
at Bexley’s information session and said their
renovations to the Green Chain
Walk to the river will be in three stages. The first is from Yarnton Way
northwards to Southmere Lake. The second is alongside the lake to Belvedere Road and one must
assume, though it was left unstated, the third will be from Yarnton Way southwards to Lesnes Abbey.
Peabody is saying that the section north of Yarnton Way is currently blocked. I have news
for them. So is the section leading to Lesnes Abbey park. I was returning from a
long circular walk today (Crossrail reconnaissance) and found my way blocked by water which looked to be
three inches deep, possibly a little more. I do remember what the refractive index of water
is so I wasn’t going to risk my three day old shoes. I was within 100 yards of
home and faced a long walk back.
Residents north of the railway line are not going to be happy when running for
the 229 bus in Abbey Road.